Friday, December 31, 2010

The End of 2010!

This is your first New Year's Ever. It is after all your first year! I can't believe that you are 9 months old today! It seems like time hasn't past enough for you to be this old. Time sure does fly. Last year I was alone, but now I have you! And like it or not, I'm never alone anymore. I've been told not to wish from this to go by, that it will go by so fast and I will be wishing you were a tiny baby who still can't walk. And even though I'm sure it's true, I still can't help it. I can't wait to share all of the joys of life with you. The feel of the ocean waves and the way freshly bakes cookies taste! Life is going to be great for you! Happy New Year my little man! You are the highlight of my 2010!
Love, Momma
I am so glad this year is over! It's been......tough. I don't want to have to "find out how strong I am [as a person]" ever again! I mean it! Never ever! If you ever get me knocked up and then leave for Iraq I will haunt your dreams forever! Ok, well I'm kind of kidding, about the haunting thing, not the other thing. This year really made us grow up. I know you were gone for most of it, but even gone, you grew up. You went from this boy who likes hardcore and never really makes plans and doesn't worry about anybody really to a man. A man, who still likes hardcore, but who is so caring and thoughtful. I swear I fell in love with you all over again when you became a daddy (in October). You are more than I could have ask for in a husband. I am so excited for the upcoming years! I love you!
Your Carlisle
Happy New Year Everybody! I hope its fun and safe!

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